Our Certifications & Expertise

Cyber Security Advisory Company

Backed by Singapore SGX main-board listed company BH Global Corporation Ltd, Athena Dynamics sources and distributes proven technologies to Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. The company focuses on Cyber Security, especially in Critical Information Infra-structure Protection and Enterprise IT Operation Management products and Services. These hand-picked products and services are those which have already done well in their countries of origins and have yet to gain sufficient traction and branding overseas. This is achieved via our local offices in the countries of sourcing, via a stringent due diligence framework prior to representing them as the exclusive distributor and developing the channel structures in Singapore and the region.

Since its inception in mid-2014, Athena Dynamics has been awarded classified projects in the public sector and critical projects to protect sensitive digital assets in the private sectors. With that, and coupled with its strong credentials in enterprise IT operation management, the company poises to introduce more uniquely differentiated products and services to effectively protect digital assets which traditional methods fail to fulfil.

Digital, Data and Artificial Intelligence  (AI) Partner

Okami Digital is a sovereign-owned Canberra-based firm with security-cleared consultants specialising in strategy advisory, digital, data and AI services. Okami Digital team has experience in best-practice human-centered approaches and methodologies, working with clients to tailor approaches and work plans as per the requirements.

TRIUNE Advisory specialises in the growth and development of open source intelligence (OSINT) capabilities across government, industry, and academia. Our integrated approach empowers organisations to understand, operationalise, and commercialise OSINT products and services. We work closely with clients, assessing and enhancing their existing intelligence capabilities or designing and implementing new ones. By streamlining processes, adopting state-of-the-art OSINT technologies, and improving OSINT literacy, TRIUNE empowers clients to thrive in a dynamic landscape of publicly available information (PAI).

ACS Professional Partner Program

As a proud member of the ACS Professional Partner Program (PPP), National Consulting Partners believes in building a high-performing digital and technology team able to deliver exceptional value for your organization. We work with ACS to rapidly profile and assess current skills gaps and access the assistance you need to upskill your team faster. Also, we keep your team’s skills and knowledge up to date, with access to a host of knowledge resources for ongoing learning.

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